I have so often heard people say just that.... "I don't know what I am supposed to study", or "I don't know what work I am supposed to do", or, "I hate my job, but what else could I do?"....
It all becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I know... been there not so long ago ;-)
My first answer to that:
Change your self-talk. The words we use everyday, we so under-estimate the power they have on our life. Choose them well, be aware of each word you use, especially, be aware of your self-talk.
Start telling yourself "I DO know exactly what I love doing" and then....
live in the present, be aware, start hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, looking for the answers that are coming to you. Invariably, they do.
Initially, you may not realise that something is an answer to your question, as it may not come at the expected time, or in the awaited shape or form. Pay closer attention to what you are living, and you will start to understand the answers that come to you.
You have to allow them into your life, however, and that means, letting go of the issue, surrendering to the flow, and being ok to go on as before, even if nothing changes.
The moment you are not focused so intently on having an answer, that is usually when it pops into your life.
Just as when you try and remember something, and say "it's on the tip of my tongue" and are totally unable to make it come into your mind, the moment you start doing something totally different, unrelated, and stop thinking of the subject, that is the moment the answer slips easily into your mind.
THAT is what is meant by "letting it go" - release all tension linked to the issue, think of other things, take action in a totally different direction, and that will allow the answer to come to you.
So, to the question "what work or activity, or next action am I supposed to do in my life?" my answer is, tell yourself "I know exactly what I love to do" with total trust that during the day or coming week, hunches will come to you.
In the mean time just get on with what you usually do, take your mind off the issue, think pleasant thoughts, trust and it will all come to you in good time. Sometimes, the answer is not supposed to come immediately, or, the answer may be negative.... trust your guts, trust your vibes...
and enjoy life -)
Remember, your self-talk creates your life.
Do you choose to tell yourself you're useless and fat? Or intelligent and beautiful? THAT will become your reality. So choose wisely ;-) and be patient and loving and understanding with yourself in the process.
Actually, the answer really is very simple.
We're supposed to do only that which we love and brings joy into our lives. And by doing this very simple thing, only doing what feels right in our gut, all other answers will come to us by the way.
All you have to do is pay attention to your true feelings.
Now THAT.... is not always easy, until you make it a habit.
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