Thursday, September 2, 2010

Conscious Creation

It’s a wonderful gift when we realize what deliberately creating our lives mean. It’s like taking back your power and truly owning your life every step of the way. It’s freedom and release.

It was a truly liberating moment for me when I realized that my destiny wasn’t written out in the stars and that I wasn’t merely here to accept the way things panned out or to so to speak ‘handle what life threw me.’

Knowing that every thought I think creates my reality, created my past, my now, and will create my future too, is truly gigantic.

It also means taking full accountability for the results that show up…good and bad. We are the only ones that create our life, and truly we are meant to live joyful, beautiful happy days where the Universe or God or Source wants us to have everything we want.

There is no limited source of happiness, no timeline, no ‘one’ way---there is only ‘what feels good?’ What gives you the feeling of feeling good? The feeling of great? The feeling of outstanding?

Is it a run through nature?
A moment with your children.
Cooking a heartwarming meal.
Closing that business deal.
Spending time with your best friend or soul mate.
A memory…
Reading a great book…

Everyone needs ‘their special place’ that memory or action that triggers that ‘feel great’ feeling within you that makes you smile from your liver…

Whatever that is, is the very thing that connects you to being true to you – that connects you to Source Energy.

And there isn’t only one thing…there are many connections we can have…

I now know when I am creating the life I desire. If I feel great---I am creating great---if I am feeling negative, angry, resentful, hostile…I am creating what I don’t want, I hand my power over to whatever it is that put me in that state or whoever it is…its like saying’ here you go, have my life, you create it the way you want as I am too busy being angry right now’….and whilst there are times it may be difficult or ‘new’ to step away from negative circumstances or people, isn’t it truly empowering the day you become fully aware that the ‘choice’ is actually yours and has always been.

You are your journey, do it the way you want, do what makes you happy and keeps you connected, others don’t have to like or agree and its not your job to convince them otherwise….it is your prerogative to deliberately create this marvelous experience called ‘life’….

Written by Melinda